NBA Georges


MMA Legend & UFC Champion Georges St-Pierre speaks on his love for the NBA, winning mentality & who he grew up watching. NBA commissioned us to bring GSP’s interview to life. The idea behind this new animated interviews is to get viewers from different sports to watch the NBA. The return of the Canadian UFC icon to the octagon was the perfect occasion to start the campaign.

MMA Legend & UFC Champion Georges St-Pierre speaks on his love for the NBA, winning mentality & who he grew up watching. NBA commissioned us to bring GSP’s interview to life. The idea behind this new animated interviews is to get viewers from different sports to watch the NBA. The return of the Canadian UFC icon to the octagon was the perfect occasion to start the campaign.

MMA Legend & UFC Champion Georges St-Pierre speaks on his love for the NBA, winning mentality & who he grew up watching. NBA commissioned us to bring GSP’s interview to life. The idea behind this new animated interviews is to get viewers from different sports to watch the NBA. The return of the Canadian UFC icon to the octagon was the perfect occasion to start the campaign.

MMA Legend & UFC Champion Georges St-Pierre speaks on his love for the NBA, winning mentality & who he grew up watching. NBA commissioned us to bring GSP’s interview to life. The idea behind this new animated interviews is to get viewers from different sports to watch the NBA. The return of the Canadian UFC icon to the octagon was the perfect occasion to start the campaign.

MMA Legend & UFC Champion Georges St-Pierre speaks on his love for the NBA, winning mentality & who he grew up watching. NBA commissioned us to bring GSP’s interview to life. The idea behind this new animated interviews is to get viewers from different sports to watch the NBA. The return of the Canadian UFC icon to the octagon was the perfect occasion to start the campaign.


Client: NBA
Executive Producer: Ron Goldberg

Production Company: Hueso
Director: Gianluca Fallone
Executive Producer: Santiago Moncalvo

2D Animation:
Claudio Iriarte
Diego Polieri
Lionel Skliar
Juan Huarte

Art Direction: Gianluca Fallone

Design & Illustration:
Gianluca Fallone
Constanza Oroza
Diego Polieri

All material included in this website belongs to Hueso©. It can not be copied, used or modified unless it is stated in a specific contract between the two parts. Hueso©2020 Copyright.

All material included in this website belongs to Hueso©. It can not be copied, used or modified unless it is stated in a specific contract between the two parts. Hueso©2020 Copyright.